Emergency Assistance

There are several community programs that provide financial assistance for individuals experiencing an emergency; information about those resources is provided to clients as a referral through the Help Me Hotline. However, there are some situations when a need cannot be "met" through established programs. The Emergency Assistance fund was created to alleviate crises by monetarily assisting emergency unmet financial needs.

At those times when no other resource is available, the agency uses Emergency Assistance funds for the needs that “fall through the cracks” like minor auto repairs, phone bills, medical supplies and other necessities required to exist. The agency tries to fill those gaps - or needs - not provided by area programming.

All assistance given through Emergency Assistance is dependent on availability of funds; the Emergency Assistance fund relies solely on contributions made directly to the fund.  


  • Anyone can ask for help through this fund. There are no boundaries, no eligibility guidelines and no fees for this service.
  • The agency coordinates all available funds from the community and then pays the amount needed or adds any additional funds needed.
  • Before any financial assistance is offered, needs are verified with the creditor.
  • Applicants can only apply for assistance through the fund ONE time; these limitations are set for the entire household of the individual asking for assistance.
  • Individuals may be required to provide proof of residency, employment or income, depending on the cause of need. 



  • The four most common funding needs of 2023 were: gasoline/automotive/ transportation expenses, electric bills, medical expenses and rent.
  • In 2023, the Emergency Assistance fund provided 49 households, consisting of 142 individuals, with financial assistance, totaling $4,942.